Tucson AZ Yard Services

Brijer Resources provides a wide variety of yard services


  • Mistletoe Removal

It is very important to keep your trees clear of all mistletoe. Many people do not know that mistletoe is a parasite. Mistletoe can greatly reduce the life and growing of your tree. If the infestation is extensive, it can completely kill your tree. It takes water and nutrients from the tree. Most of the mistletoe infestations come from the droppings of birds. It is important to remove the parasite before it produces seeds and spreads.Treatments of mistletoe chemicaly are only not a permanent fix and it can require many applications. Pruning the infected limb is the most effective form of treatment.

  • Mistletoe Growth

Trees that are severely infested need to be removed from the property in order to protect the other trees surrounding it from infestation.

If you think you may have an infestation give Brijer Resources a call today for a free estimate from our expert.

  • Yard and Landscape Maintenance

If you need help to have an excellent yard, it’s important to provide it with the appropriate care and upkeep. Because we realize that you probably won’t have an adequate amount of time in your bustling day to properly care for your grass, we offer dependable yard care services. Work with Brijer Resources today so we can assist you with keeping up a solid and lovely yard throughout the entire year.


Brijer Resources provides maintenance to a wide variety of customers.

  • H.O.A. Common Area landscape Maintenance
  • Apartment Complex Landscape and Lawn Maintenance
  • Commercial Landscape and Lawn Maintenance
  • Golf Course Tree Trimming and Removals
  • Residential Landscape Maintenance


Our services include:

  • Hedge Trimming.
  • Weed Removal.
  • Irrigation Repair.
  • Blowing Yard Debris.
  • Decorative Rock and Gravel Installation.
  • One-Time Haul Aways and Clean-ups.

Maintaining a landscaped yard in the Tucson area is difficult work. It’s hot, dirty and exhausting. It takes a lot of effort and time away from your schedule and/or family. Call us today and let Brijer Resources save you the time and the hassle.



We offer processed Mesquite, Oak, and Eucalyptus firewood. The wood can be cut and processed to your size and needs.


Brijer Resources

Tucson, AZ

Phone: (520) 299-4784


We accept many forms of payment:


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